Ngā mihi o te tau hou pākehā! We hope you have all had a safe and relaxing summer break, ready to head into what is already shaping up to be a very busy and interesting 2024. As our first update for the year, we highlight two successful consenting outcomes that TEL achieved in the latter part of 2023.

Kepa Road Apartments

On 11 October 2023, Sanctum Projects Limited (“Sanctum”) was granted resource consent for the Kepa Road Apartments Project. After being referred by the Minister of the Environment on 21 October 2022, we are excited that the project has now been formally consented.

The development comprises two apartment buildings containing 45 residential units in Orakei, Auckland. Sanctum designed this project to assist in achieving Auckland Council’s (“Council”) policy directives for residential intensification .

As per Schedule 56 of COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-Track Consenting) Referred Projects Order 2020, a key factor in the Minister referring the application was the benefits that the development will contribute to the community. Specifically, the project is expected to contribute to a well-functioning urban environment by increasing the supply of quality, appropriately priced housing. It will also create approximately 199 full-time jobs over a 2-year construction period.

The Expert Consenting Panel that considered Sanctum’s application agreed, noting that the proposal satisfies the purposes of both the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-Track Consenting) Act 2020 and the Resource Management Act 1991 (“RMA”).

TEL is proud to have worked alongside both Sanctum and Civix through this application and are excited to see Kepa Road Apartments come to life!

kepa road apartments resource consent
Render of the proposed Kepa Road Apartments project once completed. Source: AEE for the Kepa Road Apartments Project, prepared by Civix.

Roberta Avenue

69 Roberta Avenue Limited (“Roberta”) has been granted consent to build 15 luxury townhouses in Roberta Avenue in Glendowie, Auckland. The development features a collection of two- and three-bedroom homes in one of Auckland’s most sought-after suburbs.

On 27 July 2022, Independent Commissioners with delegated authority from the Council declined Roberta’s consent application for the development. It is important to note that at that time, the Council had not yet notified its Intensification Planning Instrument (now Plan Change 78 to the partly operative Auckland Unitary Plan) in accordance with section 80F of the RMA and the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020.

Roberta appealed the Council’s decision and the matter was subsequently referred to Court-assisted mediation. Following mediation, the parties agreed that subject to the Court’s approval, consent could be granted to a modified proposal comprising 15 dwellings, rather than 17 as originally proposed. Other minor modifications were also made to the proposal, to further address potential amenity effects.

Consent documents were accordingly filed with the Environment Court outlining the agreed amendments and confirming that these resolved Roberta’s appeal in full. The Court approved the revised proposal by way of a consent order dated 21 June 2023, thus paving the way for construction to commence.

The team at TEL is grateful to have worked alongside both Roberta and Civix to achieve a successful consenting outcome without the need for a hearing, notwithstanding the Council’s initial rejection of the proposal.

Render of the proposed luxury townhouses in Roberta Avenue, Glendowie. Source: Maidstone Website.

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