Heather has just joined the TEL team from another resource management team specialising in public and private sector projects.
Introducing Alannah, our new Summer Clerk
2024-11-27T12:18:02+13:00We have a new summer clerk joining us, who has also been working with us part time since July 2024.
Another fast track consent approved!
2024-11-27T12:18:12+13:00Fast track resource consent granted to Sweet New Zealand Co., Limited to build a large housing development in Birkenhead.
Update on key resource management reforms
2024-11-27T12:18:36+13:00As we move into September 2024, we continue to see significant changes to the Resource Management Act (RMA) being introduced.
Promotion for a member of our team!
2024-11-27T12:18:48+13:00This is a much-deserved recognition of Jeannine’s great work and it’s our first opportunity as a firm to promote an employee at The Environmental Lawyers.
RMA Updates – July 2024
2024-11-27T12:18:57+13:00The first half of 2024 saw many changes in the Resource Management sphere, and it does not seem like there is any intention of slowing down.
Major Wins: Resource Consents
2024-11-27T12:19:03+13:00The team at TEL are grateful to have worked with great clients and project teams to achieve these successful consenting outcomes.
New member of the team: Don Turley
2024-11-27T12:19:10+13:00Don has over 40 years experience in environmental planning law and dispute resolution including 15 years as a partner of a major New Zealand law firm.
RMA Calendar 2024
2024-11-27T12:19:18+13:00To help calculate the ‘working days’ for mandatory timeframes under the RMA, we have compiled the a calendar which we hope you find helpful for 2024.
Some 2023 Resource Consent success stories!
2024-11-27T12:20:24+13:00TEL is grateful to have worked alongside both Roberta and Civix to achieve a successful consenting outcome without the need for a hearing.
How do we address the harvest residue problem of ‘permanent’ forests in Aotearoa?
2024-11-27T12:20:31+13:00Given current regulations fail to adequately manage harvest residue, there is therefore the need for prompt regulatory intervention.
The Port Otago decision and other updates
2024-11-27T12:20:43+13:00The Supreme Court decision in Port Otago Limited v Environmental Defence Society; The Transitional NPF; and recent updates to Plan Change 78.
Proposed National Policy Statement for Natural Hazard Decision-Making (“NPS-NHD”)
2024-11-27T12:20:49+13:00It is the first stage of a work programme to improve natural hazard risk management under the RMA, especially in the wake of recent extreme weather events.
Natural and Built Environment Act and Spatial Planning Act now in force
2024-11-27T12:20:56+13:00The transition from RMA to NBEA will be a long and winding one – so please contact us for advice in making that journey, as you require.
RMA Reform: Environment Committee reports back
2024-11-27T12:21:02+13:00The Select Committee Report on the Natural and Built Environment (NBE) Bill and Spatial Planning Bill was released on 27 June 2023.
One year of TEL!
2024-11-27T12:21:08+13:00TEL celebrates its one year anniversary! We want to thank all those who have helped us to have an extremely successful first year.
TEL’s fast-track consenting streak
2024-11-27T13:22:01+13:00Instructed to file four proposals with MfE for fast tracking since the beginning of 2023, we are happy to share that we have achieved a 100% success rate!
Can Tāmaki Makaurau sustainably grow?
2024-11-27T13:19:04+13:00Auckland Council’s Planning, Environment and Parks Committee, approved a Consultation Draft of their Auckland Future Development Strategy 2023-2053.