Specialising in resource management, climate change, alcohol licensing, local government, public works and valuation.
Many clients are now looking for a package of the best lawyers to seamlessly work together to get major transactions across the line. We regularly work across a wider network of boutique firms providing specialist environmental input for due diligence.
We are leading litigators usually assisting clients to change district plans or obtain resource consent for both large and small scale urban development. Often this includes negotiating directly with infrastructure providers to ensure that sufficient infrastructure is delivered in a timely manner.
We will tenaciously defend our clients from the excesses of council prosecutions. This includes prosecutions under the RMA, the Building Act and seeking the suspension or cancellation of alcohol Licences. Andrew and Helen both have a great success rate in this area.
We have significant experience in acting both for those seeking to undertake large infrastructure projects, and submitters who are affected by such works. This background means we can achieve appropriate outcomes for our clients, be they an infrastructure provider or landowner.
We are a leading specialist in all areas of alcohol licensing. Andrew has been involved in most appeals against local alcohol policies across the country and has had a high level of success in overturning unreasonable policies and negotiating reasonable policies.
Andrew and Helen regularly act for clients in relation to development contribution policies, development contribution assessments, bylaws (in particular trade waste discharge permits), and consultation obligations, engaging with councils, Watercare and Auckland Transport.
When government or council is out to take your land, they want to short-change you, too. We provide strategic and litigation advice to a range of clients. We are particularly adept at adding value where the ability of land to be developed or zoning changes are at issue.
Effectively working in partnership with relevant iwi/tangata whenua has always been critical to the success of any resource management proposal. The importance of such relationships will be further strengthened under the proposed Natural and Built Environment legislation.
Effectively working in partnership with relevant iwi/tangata whenua has always been critical to the success of any resource management proposal. The importance of such relationships will be further strengthened under the proposed Natural and Built Environment legislation.