We have been busy working away on a number of projects, including 4 fast-track consent applications – two of which have now been granted. Below are a few of our recent Resource Consent wins.
Resource consent granted to build 15 apartments in St Heliers
The application to construct 15 apartments over three to four storeys at Auckland Road, St Heliers was granted in early June 2024. The apartments consist of 2-3 bedroom residences, as well as a penthouse unit. The whole consenting process took about 1.5 years from lodgement of the application in October 2022 until the hearing closed in April 2024. It took 6 months from the date of hearing to close out all remaining issues and questions from parties.
Render of Auckland Road residence. Source: Auckland Road residence website.
Fast-track consent for mixed-use development granted in Kingsland
This proposal is to construct a nine-storey mixed-use development including approximately 44 residential units, commercial units, and a communal rooftop space. There will also be two basement levels to provide parking capacity. The site is close to the Kingsland town centre and Morningside train station. In accordance with the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 (which has now been repealed), the application was referred by the MfE in early 2023, and formally lodged with the EPA in November 2023. Resource consent was granted in mid-July 2024.
The EPA in its decision considered that the proposal is a well-designed and conceived development that will considerably strengthen and enhance the Local Centre. They also considered that the design approach to be of a high quality and well considered, and it will be both visually interesting and appealing.
Source: Application plans on EPA website.
Fast-track consent granted for Rotokauri Greenway and Minor Arterial Corridor
Hounsell Holdings Limited and Hamilton City Council have been granted resource consents in mid-July 2024 to construct a stormwater management corridor and a transport corridor in Rotokauri, Hamilton. The project involves creating a 3.8km greenway with waterways and wetlands for stormwater management, and an active transport corridor for walking, scooting, and cycling. It also includes a 1.26km length of Minor Arterial transport corridor, including an extension of Chalmers Road into the Rotokauri Area. It is part of the roading network for the future urban area.
The Greenway aims to improve water quality and ecological values from Rotokauri drain to Lake Rotokauri, Ohote Stream, Waipa River, and Waikato River, and will serve as a central recreational area for residents and visitors. It will include artificial wetlands and raingardens to provide primary treatment of stormwater, together with six culverts, plus coffer dams and ancillary structures to temporarily divert water during construction and permanently divert water following completion. Bulk water and wastewater mains and a wastewater pumping station will be installed during construction to service future development.
The Greenway will be constructed in stages over three years, from Exelby Road to Rotokauri Road.